Commercial Sprinkler Repair

Having that healthy, well-nourished lawn can speak volumes about a company. But fail to maintain that system properly and it can lead to a cascade of unnecessary problems, such as costly water bills or flooding. This is where our commercial irrigation system repair service can help!

At Better Blossom, our goal is to ensure your commercial irrigation system works like a Swiss watch. Our team of seasoned professionals can help reduce those unexpected costs of your sprinkler or drip irrigation system by:

  • Thoroughly inspecting all the parts of the system
  • Adjusting and cleaning sprinkler heads
  • Fixing any possible leaks which would otherwise contribute to a much larger utility bill
  • Updating the watering schedules depending on the changes in weather


We believe irrigation efficiency and precision is super important for water conservation efforts as well as saving that extra money further down the line. If you feel this resonates within your company values, contact us today to set up a cost-free inspection of your commercial system! 

Commercial Irrigation Repair

How To Check If Your Commercial Irrigation System Broken?

Since dry grass and waning plants may send the wrong message to customers, what are the tell-tale signs that the irrigation system needs a tweak here and there to maximize its efficacy? 

Our suggestion would be to check for the following things:

  • Are any sprinkler heads missing, malfunctioning, or clogged?
  • Is the sprinkler failing to cover the entire area in a uniform manner?
  • Is the irrigation system spraying water onto sidewalks, facades, or streets?
  • Are the controller’s wires worn or loose?
  • Are any of the pipes experiencing low pressure or leaks?


If the answer to one of these questions is indeed positive, that might be a good signal your company needs professional maintenance. 

Commercial Irrigation System Repairs That Include


Ongoing support

Besides installing a commercial irrigation system, we can also make sure it works year in, year out. Our support team is available for phone and email consultation, plus we can pay a visit to your business site to make sure that the repair and maintenance process runs smoothly.

Preventive measures

Prevention is better than any cure. Or in the context of irrigation systems, ensuring optimal performance throughout the year beats having to pay for unexpected repairs. In order to avoid those costly repairs, we provide expert advice and maintenance services so that you can move from season to season without having to worry about any looming sprinkler problems.

New Head
installing the new valve

Component replacement

Irrigation system repairs shouldn’t have to be expensive. This is avoided simply by replacing specific components in a timely manner. That’s why we stock a full range of replacement sprinklers, valves, pipes and other necessary parts to ensure your company has what it needs, whenever it needs it.

Water efficiency optimization

The perks of installing our irrigation system is being able to optimize your water efficiency. Put another way: whenever you notice faults, such as poor drainage or water pressure, we can repair this for you, post-haste.


Don’t see what you
need fixed?

It’s all good! Better Blossom Irrigation has over 30 years of experience and we can identify the sprinkler system parts causing your sprinkler system failure. Whether it’s lack of water pressure, lawn sprinkler pump, sprinkler valve manifold repair, electrical related such as wireless connectivity, sprinkler rain sensor, your sprinkler timer controller or anything else contact us today for free consultation and quick service.

Want to upgrade or expand your system?

Better Blossom can take any residential or commercial underground sprinkler system to the next level! Whether you want to redesign a layout for a new landscape, add new zones, incorporate drip irrigation or convert your controller to smart technology, you want a fair quote and professional installation. Contact us today regarding your new irrigation project!

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if a sprinkler solenoid goes bad?

A sprinkler works because the solenoid changes the water pressure inside of it and lifts up on a plunger allowing water to begin to flow through your sprinkler lines. If your valve is not working, then you will have low-pressure in that part of the system.  If you prefer that your system operates at optimal performance we recommend that you seek professional help or research repair tutorials.

How do you unclog sprinkler lines?

You should unscrew the nozzle of your sprinkler and pull out the filter to see if it’s dirty. Running a filter under cold water will remove any dirt that might be on it, too. Flushing an entire line is another way you can clean up pipes – in automatic systems, this helps keep pressure steady for when needed most!